Phase One
We carry out a dyslexia screening, or a dyslexia test that highlights strengths and weaknesses in processing. Once the pre-testing is done, the Cellfield sessions can begin.
The Cellfield intervention is computer based and consists of ten sessions daily – five days on, two days off, five days on. It begins with reading activities from a computer to target working memory. A high level of multifunction and simultaneous activity creates conditions of high brain plasticity. Cellfield ‘turbo-charges’ concentration, attention, motivation and retention.
‘Neural Redevelopment’ is conducted over ten sessions of approximately one hour per session per day, over two weeks. Clients are assigned worksheets each day to complete before the next session. These assignments correspond with the current work in progress during the Cellfield sessions. They relate the visual image of the computer screen to paper and writing.
The objective of Phase one is to address the root causes of dyslexia and learning difficulties. These root causes often stem from physiological flaws, resistance to the reading process and bottlenecks within the brain’s neural pathways. The Cellfield intervention ensures a sustainable transition to reading with fluency and good comprehension.
On average, children and adults, emerge from Phase One with remarkable gains in the skills necessary for reading. These skills need to be consolidated, developed and automatised in the Cellfield Phase Two intervention.